Download NGXPlay on iOS 16 [Install Now]

Jamie Johnson
2 min readSep 15, 2022

NGXPlay is the best way to expand the app list in the Apple CarPlay. Normally Apple has allowed only a limited number of apps for Apple CarPlay considering the driver safety. If you want to expand this app list, you have to jailbreak your iOS deice and download a tweak like NGXPlay or CarBridge and then you will be able to install any app on CarPlay.

Since NGXPlay supports latest iOS versions, car users tend to install it and give a try to install entertainment apps like YouTube, Netflix, Games etc on their CarPlay. However, downloading NGXPlay is not easy as installing an app from the app store. There is a process and these tweaks are not available for direct downloads in most of the times.

That’s why I am going to reveal you the best way for downloading NGXPLay on latest iOS versions. For this there is an amazing app called WheelPal. WheelPal app is officially available to download in the website. This app comes under an app called Carplayhacks.

Download NGXPlay :

Follow these steps to download NGXPlay on your iOS 16 iPhone.

1) Simply download Carplayhacks app.

2) Register to the app using your email address you used for downloading the app.

3) Download WheelPal app

4) Open the WheelPal app and provide your jailbreak status

If your device is a jailbroken one you will be able to install any app on CarPlay. WheelPal app provides all the necessary guides for installing an app to CarPlay using NGXPlay.

If your iPhone is not a jailbroken one, you have to wait for a jailbreak to be released for iOS 16 since that is a mandatory factor for customizing Apple CarPlay. So the only option for now is to join the waitlist in the WheelPal app and they are going to notify once a jailbreak is available for you.

Can I download NGXPLay on iOS 16 without jailbreak?

After trying almost all the options I can say that WheelPal is the only solution to Download NGXPlay on latest iOS versions. But WheelPal has not provided any solution for iOS 16 yet. But they say that customizing Apple CarPlay is not something possible without jailbreaking the device since we have to break the limitations Apple has put on their product customization. And jailbreaking is the process of breaking these limitations.

